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The knowledge that any front-line employee of a chemical plant should master!

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The knowledge that any front-line employee of a chemical plant should master!

Cultivate good operational behavior:

(1) Routine inspection before operation The mechanical equipment must always be kept running under normal conditions. Routine inspection of machinery and equipment before work every day.

When abnormal conditions are found, workers should notify management personnel in time, and they can only work after maintenance and confirmation of safety.

(2) Firmly grasp the signal contact When two or more people work in cooperation, it is sometimes necessary to specify the contact signal and operate based on the signal.
Workers with contact signals should keep the signals in mind and start work after confirming and clarifying the meaning of the signals.

(3) Strict adherence to operating procedures Simplified and omitted regulations due to fear of trouble often lead to many accidents. Therefore, workers should strictly follow operating procedures.

(4) In the case of non-routine operations, timely reports should be made when product deformation occurs in the production line, or minor faults are encountered, and operations that are not specified in the operating procedures (ie, non-routine operations) need to be performed, such as commissioning machines, maintenance, and oil injection Should be reported to management in a timely manner.

Unsafe operating behavior that is strictly prohibited:

1. The operation of machinery and equipment and the method of picking and placing items are incorrect, and the objects are not firmly supported.

2. Approach or enter a dangerous place, such as a moving machine or lifting goods.

3. Clean, refuel or repair the mechanical devices that are running, energized or heated.

4. Suddenly start the machine, move the vehicle or object or perform the next operation without giving a signal or confirming the safety.

5. Incorrect selection of mechanical devices, improper use or defects.

6. Leave the running machine and place the machine or material in an unsafe state or place.

7. The act of dismantling or making the safety device ineffective.

8. Jump on or off the vehicle or machine, or use the hand to replace the specified tools.

9. Do not use personal protective equipment, or choose improperly, or wear it unsafely.

10. Feel free to touch unknown chemicals.

11. Rush into a confined space.

12. An accident hastily rescued.

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