[adjustment and update] adjustment information summary of China University of mining and technology, Anhui Construction University, North China University of water conservancy and hydropower, etc
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Tsinghua University, Department of precision instruments, Tsinghua University, 2020, receiving and dispatching information (campus dispatching) website: http://www.dpi.tsinghua.edu.cn/publish/dpi/5113/2020/20200510948865397617 / 20200510948865397617 / 20200510948865397617. HTML deadline: May 3, before 5 p.m
Degree in materials and chemical engineering, School of chemical engineering, Xiamen University
Website: https://chem.xmu.edu.cn/info/1167/8715.htm
China University of mining and technology
Website: https://yjs.cumtb.edu.cn/info/1021/1912.htm
Anhui University of Construction Anhui University of construction 2020 postgraduate enrollment pre adjustment announcement
Website: http://www.ahjzu.edu.cn/yjsc/2020/0429/c5237a143548/page.htm
Notice of North China University of water resources and hydropower on Issuing the score line of 2020 postgraduate retest of North China University of water resources and hydropower
Website: http://www5.ncwu.edu.cn/yz/contents/3813/2165.html
Beijing University of science and technology, Beijing University of science and technology, 2020 master's enrollment plan to receive adjustment information website: http://yzxc.ustb.edu.cn/html/1 / / 166 / 167 / 376 / 1040.html
Jiangnan University School of law, Jiangnan University School of law 2020 master's pre adjustment announcement website: http://www5.ncwu.edu.cn/yz/contents/3813/2165.html
Jiangnan University School of Science in 2020
Website: http://www5.ncwu.edu.cn/yz/contents/3813/2165.html
Jiangxi Agricultural University, Jiangxi Agricultural University, post adjustment announcement of postgraduate enrollment in 2020 website: http://www5.ncwu.edu.cn/yz/contents/3813/2165.html
Jingdezhen Ceramic University Jingdezhen Ceramic university about enrolling postgraduates for master's degree in 2020 website: http://yjsy.jci.edu.cn/info/1024/3594.htm