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Spraying process and steps of water-based industrial paint

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There is no difference between using oil-based paint and only the variety of paint. The process is divided into the following aspects: substrate surface treatment (referred to as pretreatment), including degreasing and degreasing, water washing, surface conversion, sand blasting, shot blasting, rust removal, dust removal, surface cleaning, etc. The surface of a good and qualified substrate (different substrates have different treatment processes). The spraying steps of the so-called water-based industrial paint are only briefly described below: find out the paint type that is used → check whether the outer packaging is intact → read the corresponding manual (determine the shelf life) → perform the deployment according to the instructions → filter (use the prescribed filter ) Loading the gun → enter the spraying link (there are specific requirements, such as constant temperature and humidity, dust room, clean room, wearing static clothes, first three inspections, etc.).

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