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[weight release] enrollment index and retest list of master's degree in the school of Geoscience and surveying engineering in 2020

Hits: 3896121 2020-04-28

China University of mining and Technology (Beijing) is about to start the postgraduate retest in 2020. Now, the retest information of our institute is notified as follows:
1、 Retest qualification
Within the framework of the 2020 enrollment plan issued by the university to the college, based on the proportion of the number of students planned for each major in the 2020 enrollment prospectus, and taking into account the actual number of national lines in each major and the actual situation of the graduate tutors of the college, the number of students planned for each academic major and professional degree type in each field in 2020 is finally determined. According to the number of students enrolled in each discipline group plan and the number of people on the national line, the score line of the second round examination shall be determined according to a certain proportion of difference (in principle, it shall not be less than 1:1.2).
The first volunteer candidates who have achieved the national mark line in all majors and preliminary examination report forms of our college, and whose total score is in line with the score in the table below, can participate in the retest of our college. See Annex 1 for the list of the first volunteer candidates for the retest in our college.
Note: we have received the application for adjustment. For details of adjustment information, please refer to the notice on the homepage of graduate school and the homepage of the school of Geosciences and surveying engineering. 2、 Please pay attention to the homepage of the college in time. Appendix 1: list of the first volunteer candidates in 2020
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