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[new scheme of school examination] Jiangnan University cancels the school examination

Hits: 3893416 2020-04-14

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- Jiangnan University - the latest adjustment plan
New scheme of school examination
No longer organize the school examination of art and design majors, and adopt the provincial unified examination results for admission.
On adjusting the major of art design in 2020
Notice on undergraduate enrollment examination program
Dear candidates
Novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic prevention and control work is carried out in 2020 according to the spirit of the Ministry of education 2020 video conferencing for art majors. The school has decided to adjust the undergraduate admission examination scheme for art and Design Majors in 2020, no longer organize the school entrance examination for art design majors, and adopt the provincial unified examination results. The provincial and professional recruitment plan shall be subject to the announcement of provincial recruitment and examination institutions; overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan candidates who have registered online shall be assessed by "submission of works + remote video interview". For details, please refer to the appendix "Introduction to fine arts and design undergraduate students of Jiangnan University in 2020 (Revised Edition)". The refund of the test fee for the candidates who have registered for the school examination will be notified separately.
Jiangnan University Recruitment and employment office April 13, 2020
Fine arts design major of Jiangnan University in 2020
Undergraduate enrollment brochure (Revised)
Jiangnan University is directly under the Ministry of education, the national "211 Project" key construction university and the first-class discipline construction university. It is a high-level university with distinctive domestic influence and international popularity. Jiangnan University originated from the Sanjiang normal school established in 1902 and established in 1958. It is located in the picturesque Taihu lake, Wuxi City, Jiangsu province. With an area of 3250 mu, the modern ecological campus has won the first prize of the Ministry of education in campus planning and is honored as one of the "most beautiful universities in China". The school, with advanced facilities and complete functions, provides a superior environment for the study and life of young students. It is a national graduate employment typical experience College of the Ministry of education, a national innovation and entrepreneurship typical experience college, and a national deepening innovation and entrepreneurship education reform demonstration school. Jiangnan University ranks the 47th in the ranking of China University Evaluation by China Academy of management sciences.
According to the spirit of the Circular of the Ministry of education on doing well in the recruitment of special types of colleges and universities in 2020 (Teaching Department [2019] No.
1、 Enrollment major and plan
2、 Principle of admission (1) pass the examination of ideological, political and moral character, and meet the physical examination standards stipulated in the guidance on physical examination of college enrollment issued by the Ministry of education and the former Ministry of health. (2) Relevant professional provincial unified examination results are qualified. (3) Cultural performance requirements: 1. The cultural performance of the provinces implementing parallel voluntary filing must meet the requirements of the corresponding admission control score line of the province (District, city) where the students come from. 2. The cultural achievements of the provinces that do not implement parallel voluntary filing shall reach 75% of the admission control score line of the same subject of a batch of ordinary undergraduate majors in the province (District, city) where the students are from (rounded to the reserved integer, the province that does not divide the enrollment plan into the arts and Sciences, the province that takes the higher score in the arts and Sciences Admission Control score line). For the provinces with combined batches, the admission control score line of a batch of undergraduate students shall be implemented according to the admission control score line of a special type. (4) For provincial candidates in the comprehensive reform of college entrance examination, there is no limit to subjects selected for examination. (5) Admission methods: 1. Provinces that implement parallel voluntary filing shall give priority to the candidates in filing and follow the principle of volunteering. If the scores are the same, the students will be admitted from high to low according to the scores of provincial unified examination, Chinese, mathematics and foreign language. 2. The provinces that do not implement parallel voluntary filing shall uniformly define the admission score line according to the comprehensive score, which is equal to the score of the professional provincial unified examination + the cultural score. According to the principle of giving priority to comprehensive achievements and following the principle of volunteerism. If the comprehensive scores are the same, the students will be admitted from high to low according to the results of the provincial general examination, Chinese, mathematics and foreign language. According to the document of the Ministry of education, after the new students enter the school, the school will recheck according to the enrollment policy and enrollment standard. Any unqualified or fraudulent person will be disqualified as soon as it is found out, and will be reported to the corresponding provincial recruitment and examination institution.
3、 To supervise and guarantee (1) the undergraduate recruitment and examination work of Jiangnan University is under the unified leadership of the undergraduate recruitment leading group, and the recruitment and employment department is responsible for the overall coordination, organization and implementation of the recruitment and examination work. (2) The recruitment work shall follow the principles of fairness, justice and openness, accept social supervision and accept the supervision of the discipline inspection and supervision department of the University.
Four, contact mode undergraduate enrollment telephone: 0510-85915666 fax number: 0510-85913570 address: Wuxi, Jiangsu Lihu Avenue, Jiangnan University, No. 1800 Jiangnan University, recruitment and employment office: 214122: Jiangnan University undergraduate enrollment network: http://admission.jiangnan.edu.cn official account No. 9: Jiangnan University employment
5、 For other (1) application items of overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan candidates, please refer to the measures for undergraduate enrollment of overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan students majoring in art design of Jiangnan University (Revised Version) (Appendix). (2) If there is any inconsistency between the spirit of the relevant documents of the Ministry of education and the provincial recruitment and examination institutions, the spirit of the superior documents shall prevail. (3) This compendium shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation, and the original compendium of fine arts and design undergraduate enrollment of Jiangnan University in 2020 shall be abolished. (4) Other matters not covered shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the University's undergraduate enrollment regulations. (5) The enrollment and Employment Department of Jiangnan University is responsible for the interpretation of this general chapter.
Collection of adjustment plans for school examination
Picture below the stamp
The above adjustment plans are compiled from the official websites of colleges and Universities
If you have anything unclear, you are welcome to consult me. (wechat: xjms000)
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